Become a Member

Who We Are

The British Columbia Common Ground Alliance (BCCGA) is a member-driven association dedicated to ensuring worker safety, public safety, environmental protection, and the integrity of underground infrastructure by promoting effective damage prevention practices.

Membership has its Benefits!

We are a growing organization and represent a cross section of concerned citizens and organizations that impact safety and underground infrastructure.

It is important to point out that all members act as member citizens and not as corporate representatives.

We value your membership and want to ensure that you are maximizing your member benefits. Members are entitled to:

  • Regular updates through our newsfeed.
  • Attend lunch and learn webinars at no cost.
  • Access to member-only reports and resources.
  • April is Safe Digging Month events include lunch with the MLAs.
  • Contribute to our strategic direction and priorities.
  • Participate on member committees and project working groups.
  • Member discounts at select events.
  • Participate in collaborative in-person education sessions.
  • Participate in the CCGA Damage Prevention Symposium.
  • Contribute to the development of National Best Practices.
  • Increase your understanding of safety and damage prevention issues.
  • Ensure that your stakeholder group and perspective is well represented.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to safety and damage prevention.
  • Opportunity to collaborate with other stakeholder groups, colleagues and other concerned citizens.

Membership Rates by Stakeholder Group (Subject Matter Expertise)

All members of the BC Common Ground Alliance engage in their roles as individual citizens, not as representatives of corporate interests. We utilize our membership structure to solicit contributions from various sources to support our activities. Each member of our society is non-partisan, independent, and a proud citizen of British Columbia, dedicated to acting in the best interests of the Alliance as outlined in our bylaws and constitution.  

Damage Prevention Champions (DPCs)
Gold Member $     100,000 
Silver Member $        20,000 
Bronze Member $        10,000 
BC Construction Association (Founding Member) $          5,000 
Oil, Gas & Utiity Companies
BC Oil, Gas and Utility Companies (FortisBC, BC Hydro, Pacific Northern Gas, etc.) $          7,500 
Regulator & Government Partners
Canada Energy Regulator $          3,000 
BC Energy Regulator $          5,000 
Technical Safety BC $          3,000 
Government Ministry $          5,000 
One Call Centre $          3,000 
Excavators, Locators, Equipment Sales & Individual Citizens
BC Citizen/Individual $             150 
< 10 employees in BC $             250 
11 to 50 employees in BC $             500 
51 to 100 employees in BC $             750 
101 – 250 employees in BC $          1,200 
251 – 500 employees in BC $          2,500 
> 501 employees in BC $          5,000 
Association Partners $             750 
Local Government Partners
Municipal population under 5,000 $             500 
Municipal populatin 5,001 – 20,000 $          1,000 
Municipal population over 20,000 $          2,500 

* Homeowners and ground disturbers that attend any DigSafe or Safety Breakfast session automatically receive a free one-year membership.

Safety is a Shared Responsibility! Join us Now!

Membership Application Form

Complete the Membership Application form and send to