The Honourable Bruce Ralston, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low-Carbon Innovation, met virtually with our Executive Director Dave Baspaly today to proclaim April as Safe Digging Month in British Columbia.
April is National Dig Safe Month across Canada. It’s a reminder about the importance of continuing to raise awareness on damage prevention and safe digging practices, especially with the start of the spring digging season.

BC 1 Call urges homeowners and contractors to click or call before they dig to avoid damaging underground infrastructure. Damage and service disruptions can be avoided if everyone requests a free locate ticket with BC 1 Call to determine what utility lines are in their desired dig sites.
Anyone can request a free locate request ticket online 24/7 at or via phone during regular business hours at 1-800-474-6886. An online request through allows anyone to input their information more quickly at a time of their convenience.