On behalf of Canada Energy Regulator –>
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information on recent CER Regulatory Framework Program improvements and more importantly, to seek your input and feedback on the regulatory improvement priorities identified in our Regulatory Framework Plan.
Our Regulatory Framework provides the structure around which all of our regulatory activities take place. It includes the system of laws, regulatory documents and guidance materials we use to regulate the parts of Canada’s energy industry that fall within our scope of authority.
We are sharing our Regulatory Framework Plan for the first time.
Every year, the Regulatory Framework Plan is prepared; setting out the regulations, regulatory documents, and guidance that we plan to develop or amend over a three year period, including the projected timelines.
Sharing more details about upcoming changes to our Regulatory Framework comprise part of our efforts to improve the way we communicate information. With this objective in mind, we have published the Regulatory Framework Plan: 2021 to 2024.
The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Directive on Regulations requires that every federal department publish the list of Regulations coming-due for review in the following five years, including the ones that are scheduled to be amended in the next two years. The CER already publishes these lists on its website – through the Regulatory Stock Review Plan and the Forward Regulatory Plan, but these present a partial picture of improvements planned for the Regulatory Framework, and omit details such as ‘next steps’ or ‘project objectives’.
The Regulatory Framework Plan provides more information.
One of the most important differences between the Regulatory Framework Plan and others posted to the website in compliance with TBS Directive on Regulations, is the inclusion of planned changes to our regulatory guidance materials.
Guidance helps regulated companies, interested parties and the general public to understand the requirements and to promote compliance. Guidance is important and serves many functions; for example, it is used to:
· give a window into how we apply the law when we carry out our functions;
· instruct companies on what to include and how to submit materials to us so we can make timely decisions;
· guide Canadians on how to participate in our processes, like application reviews or regulation-making;
· share our approach on matters like engagement that apply to many aspects of our work;
· explain our expectations; and
· explain how we respond when expectations are not met and how enforcement works.
We invite you read the Regulatory Framework Plan: 2021 to 2024 published on our website.
Your input is important to us.
If the content raises questions or sparks interest to know more about the Regulatory Framework and how it is managed by the CER over time, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We welcome any and all feedback you might have on the details of the current Regulatory Framework Plan. We have included a direct link where you can provide your feedback and/or information you would like us to know.
Please contact: regulatory.framework@cer-rec.gc.ca
Regulatory Officers
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265