Virtual BC Construction Health & Safety Conference

BCCSA is delivering the good news that the 2021 Virtual BC Construction Health & Safety Conference will take place on Thursday, October 14, 2021.

This year’s conference will look at the theme of the construction industry’s capacity to embrace and overcome the challenges of the future.

Hosted by CBC radio personality and educator Kathryn Gretsinger, conference topics will include:

Cyber security expert Ron Borsholm helps businesses to assess their cyber security risks and challenges as construction companies transform toward the digital. He will also provide practical advice on what businesses can and should do while under cyber attack — and how they can secure their business against future digital assaults.

Motivational speaker Dr. Rick Rigsby will explore ways that people and businesses can demonstrate leadership, make an impact on others, and embrace hope in a world beyond COVID-19. Making a great impression on social media has become increasingly important, but how are you and your business actually changing the world for the better?

Top leadership and change expert Jim Harris leads a fast-paced session on how technological change is making safety simpler and making construction sites safer. The COVID-19 pandemic has only driven that change. Ten years ago a drone was unaffordable; today you can buy one for $100. What’s next?

Learn more about the conference line-up here:

Full registration is just $99 + GST and you can sign up online
