BC Common Ground Alliance is open to any individual or organization with an interest in safety and underground infrastructure. We rely on members to provide financial support, participate on committees and task forces to address common issues, and promote the Alliance and safety with respect to underground infrastructure.
We currently have over 850 individual members (citizen volunteers) from across BC.
A subset of our corporate expertise includes:
- 3-D Line Locating Ltd.
- BC Construction Association
- BC Construction Safety Alliance
- BC Hydro
- BC Landscape & Nursery Association
- BC Municipal Safety Association
- BC Energy Regulator (formerly BC Oil & Gas Commission)
- BC Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association
- Berto Contractors Ltd.
- Canada Energy Regulator (formerly National Energy Board)
- Capital Regional District
- Cansel Survey Equipment Inc.
- City of Victoria
- Clearway Construction Inc. ~NEW!
- Construction Industry Training Network
- Cooper Trench Equipment Rentals ~ NEW!
- Cooper Trench Safety ~ NEW!
- Danatec
- Dig It Contracting Ltd.
- Enbridge (formerly Spectra Energy and Alliance Pipeline)
- FortisBC
- Geoscan Subsurface Surveys Inc.
- Global Training Centre
- Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC
- Island Utility Construction ~ NEW!
- Linestar Utility Supply Inc.
- Pacific Northern Gas
- Peace Valley Line Locating Ltd.
- Pembina Pipeline Corporation
- Probe Corrosion Services Ltd. ~ NEW!
- Progressive Ventures Construction ~ NEW!
- Quadra Utility Locating
- Robert Mizon
- Ronald Enns
- Technical Safety BC
- TechnoConsor Inc.
- TC Energy
- Trans Mountain Pipeline Canada
- WorkSafe BC
Strategic Partners:
- Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC)
- BC 1 Call
- Canadian Association of Pipeline and Utility Locating Contractors (CAPULC)